Category: Mom

A Dining Room is Not a Wading Pool, Frances

In an unexpected turn of events, my adventurous 2-year-old daughter, Frances, decided to embark on a daring mission with the hose that she had been using to fill her wading pool on the back porch. Ignoring any notion of boundaries, she boldly carried the hose into the dining room, unaware of the havoc that was about to unfold. Time seemed to stretch in that moment, as the hose made its way into the room, and within what felt like a blink of an eye, the tranquility of the space was transformed into a watery chaos. The hose, though only present […]

The Struggle Is Real

Came home to everyone asleep and the downstairs looking like a trash, clothes, and food bomb went off. I think the girls wore down Mom to a breaking point today. They win this round. My wife has to tangle with two very formidable opponents each day. My wife is awesome.

It’s a Crapshoot

Raising three kids, each with their unique personalities and characteristics, can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. One of the most striking aspects is how different they can be from one another. Despite being raised in the same environment and exposed to similar parenting techniques, their sleep habits, eating habits, and general demeanor can vary significantly. What works for one child may not work for the others, making it evident that a one-size-fits-all approach to parenting is unrealistic. Sleep habits are a prime example of the individuality among children. While one child may easily fall asleep and follow a consistent […]

…And, She Gets Carsick

One day, as we embarked on a drive through the picturesque winding mountains out of The Valley, we encountered an unexpected challenge with our one-year-old daughter, Ruth. Little did we know that she had a tendency to get car sick. Unfortunately, at this age, she couldn’t communicate her discomfort to us verbally, leaving us unaware of what was about to happen. As we navigated the curvy roads, the only warning sign we received was the sudden sound of her retching and the unpleasant sight of her spewing her stomach contents all over herself and the car seat. The incident was […]